hearts set on pilgrimage
Wednesday, April 09, 2003
So many things to blog about!

First, I'd like to welcome my old friend Kurt Grossman to the conversation! Kurt, I appreciate the comments, and look forward to more conversation!

Second, I'm happy to announce that the whole Modern vs. Postmodern conversation is sooooooo over. Check out Kevin Miller's article for the definitive thread-closer.

Seriously, I'm finding more and more blogs and conversations where people are in violent agreement about dropping the Modern-bashing and getting on with following Jesus. I understand the process of individuation sometimes requires a violent break with the parental narratives, but the next step is going outside the camp and exploring the new places that Jesus is leading us. Dealing with the unknown (so far) is so much harder than commenting on the already known. Let's have the courage to follow!

Tim Bednar has some awesome stuff on finding an alternative philosophical foundation to orthodox Postmodern theory (is that an oxymoron?) for those who would benefit from such.

Here is another site for my "to be explored" list:

Third, I'm sick today and need to rest more, or I would blog some more.

On a personal note, my brother emailed me to tell me that my Uncle Hans in Germany is still alive and on the web! Hopefully, we'll be able to re-establish contact with him. I'm so psyched!

Also, Laurie has asked for more personal stuff in my blog so people can get to know me better. I agree. It's coming. I'd like to strike a balance between being impersonal and self-preoccupation.

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